
03 December 2020

Socrates2.0 Smart Mobility example for Dutch Parliament

The Dutch minister of Infrastructure and Water Management offered an update letter on Smart Mobility in the Netherlands to the house of representatives. In the accompanying brochure Smart Mobility Dutch Reality, SOCRATES2.0 is set as an example for public-private cooperation in Traffic Management.

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17 November 2020

Faster, safer and cleaner traffic – but how to make it profitable?

Mobility in the European Union must be efficient, safe and green, but how do you achieve this and earn money at the same time? ‘Business modelling has been the “hot potato” of SOCRATES2.0 since the start of the project, but we are starting to make progress with this now, says Jan Maarten van den Berg, business manager SOCRATES2.0 at the Dutch Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat).

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17 November 2020

Merging data gives better insight into roadworks

Intending to lessen the consequences of roadworks, an intermediary trusted party combined the data from the public and private partners in the SOCRATES2.0 project. ‘We now have a more complete picture of when and where roadworks take place,’ say Nuno Rodrigues and Ruud van den Dries from MAPtm.

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17 November 2020

A better flow of traffic and more space for cyclists in Copenhagen

With the SOCRATES2.0 pilots coming to an end in the coming months, we are zooming in on several interesting use cases in the pilot city of Copenhagen. ‘By integrating the data, it’s easier to avoid traffic jams, to give cyclists more space and to take measures in case of air pollution,’ says Jan Romijnders, mobility consultant at Technolution.

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17 November 2020

Useful insights about optimising traffic, despite the pandemic

After three years of close cooperation, the pilots in the SOCRATES2.0 project will be rounded off at the end of the year, followed by an evaluation and consolidation phase. ‘While we couldn’t carry out everything as planned due to the coronavirus pandemic, we could do most of it, and we certainly gained a lot of knowledge,’ says project manager Tiffany Vlemmings. She also outlined this during the ITS Virtual congress this week.

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07 July 2020

SOCRATES2.0 and the Corona virus

As a result of the Corona virus outbreak and the so-called “lockdowns” in all four SOCRATES pilot cities (Amsterdam, Antwerp, Copenhagen and Munich), the pilots have come to a temporary halt. Traffic in some cities has fallen by more than 50% since mid-March, and no major events will take place until September this year. For the project, this came at the worst possible time. After months of preparations, the first user experiences were gained within 4 use cases. The use cases should also have been operational during the months of March to June.

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09 December 2019

Amsterdam pilot launched with improved navigation service: testers sought

The SOCRATES pilot in Amsterdam was launched today, with a new navigation service to improve the traffic flow around Amsterdam. In the event of imminent traffic jams, drivers will be offered an alternative route in time via the navigation system. Thus, the traffic will be better spread over the total road network, resulting in fewer traffic jams. The services are offered by TomTom, Be-Mobile (Flitsmeister) and BrandMKRS (Livecrowd Mobility). The service providers are looking for testers of the services.

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24 October 2019

Test with smart traffic flows on the Antwerp ring road

In the coming months, the Flemish Traffic Control Centre (part of the Agency for Roads and Traffic), BMW Group, Be-Mobile and MAPtm will be testing a new ‘smart tunnel service’ on the Antwerp ring road. This will help them assess whether they can distribute traffic in a dynamic and clever way between the Kennedy and Liefkenshoek tunnels, in order to reduce traffic jams near the Kennedy Tunnel.

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12 June 2019

Close-up Antwerp: seducing road users to change their route using toll reduction (video)

What’s going on in the different pilotsites: Antwerp, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Munich? What is the progress in setting up the cooperation, and how far are the partners in realising the smart traffic and navigation services? Let’s take a look behind the scenes in Antwerp.

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12 June 2019

Close-up Munich: smooth journey experience in case of events

What’s going on in the different pilotsites: Antwerp, Amsterdam, Copenhagen en Munich? What is the progress in setting up the cooperation, and how far are the partners in realising the smart traffic and navigation services? In different interviews with project members we take a look behind the scenes in Munich.

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11 June 2019

Looking back on ITS Europe Congress

The partners in SOCRATES2.0 demonstrated some of the use cases and intermediary roles for public private cooperation in traffic management. We received some European delegates, and presented two papers and hosted a Special Interest Session. The ITS Congress in pictures.

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14 May 2019

Join us on ITS Europe congress

SOCRATES2.0 is presenting itself to the international ITS community dring the ITS Europe Congress (3-6 June, Eindhoven, the Netherlands). Different private Service Providers demonstrate a Smart Tunnel Service, which will be tested in the Antwerp region. And we are also demonstrating several intermediary roles to be deployed in use cases in Intractive Traffic Management, for example the Assessor dashboard for the optimal route guidance service in Amsterdam and Antwerp.

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2&3 December 2020 | Digital

Polis conference

SOCRATES will present two papers: on cooperative proactive traffic management in the Metropolitan Region Amsterdam (Giovanni Huisken) & Digitalization and distribution of Environmental Zone information in the Amsterdam Region (Jan Maarten van den Berg et al.)
9 & 10 November 2020 | Virtual

ITS Europe Congress 2020

Virtual format. SOCRATES will present papers on 3 use cases (road works, optimizing network traffic flow, road works data) and also on the assessor (intermediary role for cooperation)
29 June-1 July 2020 | Brussels

Asecap days

POSTPONED, date unknown. Patrick Deknudt (Vlaamse overheid) will present the cooperation in the Antwerpen pilot, use case for optimizing network traffic flow on the Antwerp ring road.
25 June 2020 | Webinar

Webinar Cooperation framework for public-private trafficmanagement

Tiffany Vlemmings and Nuno Rodrigues will present (in Dutch)
April 2020 | Amsterdam

Intertraffic Amsterdam

POSTPONED to March 2021. SOCRATES2.0 was to be presented in the exhibition (booth of Metropole Region Amsterdam)