SOCRATES2.0 final conference

"Wondering is the beginning of wisdom"
22 JUNE, 14.00 - 16.30 GMT+1

A few hours before the conference starts you'll find the link to the conference on this site. Below you'll find more information about the program and the breakout sessions


14.00 Introduction: The Socrates2.0 journey in a nutshell

14.20 Breakout session round 1

15.05 Break

15.25 Breakout session round 2

16.10 Public and private partners of SOCRATES2.0 reflect on the project and the future of Interactive Traffic Management.

16.30 Optional: join the team for an informal online drink in the online SOCRATES2.0 café


Breakout sessions

There will be two rounds of breakout sessions of 5 different topics to choose from:

  • Lessons learned & how to fail faster: Organisational, functional and technical aspects of SOCRATES2.0
    • In this breakout session we share our top 5 unexpected lessons learned. Giovanni Huisken (RWS) and Jan Maarten van den Berg (RWS) elaborate on each top lesson with concrete examples, discuss what went wrong and explain why 'fail faster' is relevant. There is plenty of room to ask the speakers any questions you have and discuss the implementation of SOCRATES2.0 lessons in your environment.
  • SOCRATES2.0 cooperation framework: The essential first step towards the win-win-win
    • SOCRATES2.0 partners know that cooperating leads to better traffic management and navigations services for road users, alongside with new business opportunities for private partners and more cost-effective traffic management operations for public authorities: The win-win-win!
      In this breakout session Mark Grefhorst (Be-Mobile) and Nuno Rodrigues (MAPtm) deep dive into the cooperation models and new intermediary roles that make up the cooperation framework. They  demonstrate how the building blocks actively support the development and operation of the new traffic management and navigation services.
  • Bringing the concept of interactive traffic management to European practice: Enablers & bottlenecks
    • The SOCRATES2.0 project has provided frameworks for and first demonstrations of the concept of interactive traffic management. It also identified technical, organisational, business and legal enablers and bottlenecks for a further European rollout. Matthias Mann (HERE) and Peter Lubrich (BASt) invite you to discover and discuss the highlights on those enablers and bottlenecks in this breakout session.
  • Different road authorities have different perspectives: How does this impact interactive traffic management?
    • Different pilot sites had different settings, which lead to different reference points and expectations at the start of SOCRATES2.0. Patrick Deknudt (Flanders) and Annet van Veenendaal (RWS) will discuss how this influenced the public-private collaboration on interactive traffic management and what we can learn from this.
  • Facing reality: Piloting SOCRATES2.0 services in 4 cities
    • Jan Romijnders (Technolution), Irina Köller-Matschke (BMW), Art Feitsma (BrandMKRS), Alexander Kröller (TomTom) and Isaak Yperman (Be-Mobile) give an inside view of SOCRATES2.0 end-user services piloted in Antwerp, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Munich. They will address user experience and user feedback, as well as deployment challenges and operational aspects. The session will also look at the value and benefits for public and private stakeholders and for the end user. And present highlights and future improvements.


SOCRATES2.0 Magazine

A few days before the conference the Socrates2.0 Magazine will be published on this website and on the conference website. This digital magazine covers our journey and findings. It also contains various links to the more elaborate public reports. We invite you to browse through this rich content for a comprehensive view on interactive traffic management and the results of SOCRATES2.0


Any questions?
