
Pilot designs


Activity leader:



Pilot designs

The objective of this activity is to commonly design the concepts and functions of the pilots. We will commonly design the intermediaries and specify the TMex protocol. Finally an ex-ante evaluation will be held and an evaluation plan will be delivered.

End user services (mobile/in-car) to be developed and tested

  • Smart routing
  • Actual speed advices
  • Local information and warnings

Roadside traffic management measures to be developed and tested:

  • a common operational picture with the actual and predicted status of traffic, road side equipment and traffic management measures
  • the use of Floating Car Data, and origin/destination information
  • improved traffic status predictions (0.5 – 2 hrs ahead)
  • geo-fenced requests to road users

A multitude of Services

Each service provider and car industry is free on how the services are provided and if other services are provided as well. The services may also differ in the different pilot sites. Different solutions (by different providers) provide a maximum of insight in what is successful and what is less successful. Different levels of collaboration might be visible and demonstrated, dependent on to what extent interactive traffic management is deployed and executed. Not all pilots will test all mentioned services.

TMex protocol

One of the objectives of SOCRATES2.0 is to define a prototype protocol and implementation that covers all information to be exchanged between traffic centres, intermediaries and back offices, both for traffic information and for traffic management information, the TMex protocol. TMex is as much as possible based on existing protocols, such as DATEX II, OCIT, DVM Exchange, TPEG or any other relevant existing format.


SOCRATES2.0 assumes that there is a role for one or more intermediary parties facilitating data sharing with TMex between traffic centres and back offices, since there are multiple traffic centres and multiple back offices involved. Without one or more intermediaries, this would lead to many 1-to-1 relations. However, the first question is whether the assumption of the need for an intermediary is correct. So, the project will also deploy operational tests without a role for an intermediary and will discover the operational effects of this type of implementation.

Ex-ante evaluation

One of the main purposes of SOCRATES2.0 is to learn about the new and extended services, public acceptance of these services and their actual effects on traffic performance indicators. An in-depth evaluation will be carried out.


- Report "Setting the stage for the deplopyment of Interactiove Traffic Management"