
Project partners SOCRATES2.0 deliver shared vision

Cooperation framework

Public and private partners of the SOCRATES 2.0 project developed a framework for cooperation in traffic management on a strategic level. The framework is relevant and valuable to all relevant stakeholders in traffic management: international service providers, car manufacturers, ITS companies and road authorities. This framework will be the basis for a European deployment of Interactive Traffic Management.


4 focus groups

In preparation for the actual pilots, a framework on the cooperation has been delivered. The framework consists of:

• the vision of the project. The partners wanted to establish something new and not just improve an existing concept of cooperation. To do so, they recognised that a paradigm shift should be made from ‘managing and influencing traffic’ to ‘supporting people on their travel from A to B’.

• the services for road users: smart routing, actual speed and lane advice and local information and hazardous warnings. These include a list of steps defining the interactions between actors and systems to achieve the goals.

• options for cooperation of the stakeholders, to be able to realise the services. Beside a theoretical framework, they also made a first inventory of preferred options.

• the concept of the intermediary, based on the services and cooperation models. An intermediary could have a role in data exchange coordination, aggregation, fusion, quality control and common picture. The framework describes a number of typical options for the intermediary role, to be selected and elaborated in the next activities of the project.


Different options

Irina Koller-Matschke (BMW), project leader for the realisation of the framework : “This framework presents a list of options for cooperation and implementation of services, no definite choices are made. However, a first selection of options to consider in the follow up of the project is done. Variations to these options are possible. Choices between these options will need to be made in the next phases of the project. Different options may be tested in the respective pilot areas, or they could be tested in parallel within a test site.”


The framework with shared vision will be available on this website as soon as it is reviewed by the SOCRATES 2.0 Advisory Board. Here you can read more on this activity.